Script Download: Cross Account Negative Keywords

Instructions specific to this script:
`Important:` This script has been deprecated by Optmyzr, which means it will continue to work in old experience but will not be supported by Optmyzr once Google completely moves to the new experience. You can edit or delete the existing settings, but can not add new settings anymore.

Here's what you need to replace to make this work for you...

In the section 'var accountFlags', replace the 10 digit numbers with the account ID of each account that will pull keywords from the shared negatives list. Then for each of those accounts, in the section 'campaignsToUpdate', replace the examples like 'Brand campaign' and 'Sweatshirts campaign' with the campaign names that will use the shared negatives. Multiple campaigns within one account should be comma separated, e.g.

'campaignsToUpdate': 'campaign name 1, campaign name 2',

Update the URL following 'var NEGATIVE_MASTER_LIST' with the URL to your Google spreadsheet that contains the negative keyword list. Be sure this spreadsheet has shared access to your Google account used for logging in to AdWords.
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Script Code

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